Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why hello there...

Welcom to the blog! Allow me to introduce myself.

My name's Sam and I' currently a first year student at Griffith University on the Gold Coast. Im enrolled in a five year Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts degree and am really enjoying it so far. Next year i hope to major my arts degree in Spanish, but for now am studying effective Writing and New Communications Technologies. This blog is part of the Communication Technologies assessment, and is definately one of the most uniqe forms of assignment i have done.

I'm 17, turning 18 in august, which makes me the baby in my family, with an older brother who is studying Hotel Management and working in a 4 1/2 star hotel here on the Gold Coast. I've lived here all of my life, and am still not sick of the fun, surf, sun and fun that the Coast has to offer.

Music plays a huge role in my life, and i believe that no matter the situation, there is a song that goes with it. I love any music, as long as it isn't too heavy, and i always find myself singing along (badly) to anything i hear. I play guitar and have done so for the past five years. I usually play anything popular, but also love the challenge of learning more complicated exercises and songs.

I love movies, and will watch anything once. My favourite movie is Donnie Darko, and I enjoy movies that make you think. I always enjoy a laugh, so comedies are favourites, closely followed by horror films, mysteries, and action/adventures.

My friends mean more to me than anything in the world. I have a small group of extremely close mates and will do anything and everything for them. I love meeting new people and find it really easy to make friends. I'm constantly falling in love, a feeling which generally lasts 3-5 seconds.

Well... that's me. I'm looking forward to posting more blogs about work, uni, and life in general. See you soon... =)


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